2012. We are now 4 years into the future since the spiteful attacks on the megalopolis of Mumbai, Americanly termed as 26/11, slapped the entire nation out of its long persistent slumber. The stains of the brutal attacks, that claimed the lives of more than a hundred innocent people, and wounded thrice as many, cannot be washed off, no matter how hard we try. It was a manifestation of the nation’s weak defence, which fell apart like a pack of cards at the hands of twelve gunmen, who laid siege to the city for three days. Few of us can forget that time, when we were glued to the tube, with tears in our eyes and fear in our heart, as the latest news flashed on the screen, notifying us about more and more deaths.

The entire staff, including janitors, waiters, directors, artisans and captains exhibited incomparable bravery in their most difficult time. The guests responded with over five hundred e-mails narrating the heroics of the staff, whom they owed their lives. This saga of extraordinary actions by ordinary individuals for their organisation and in a way for their country deserves some mention.
Thomas George, a captain, saved the lives of fifty four guests by escorting them to safety, but was himself shot while he was going down himself. He is survived by his kids and wife, who said that she did not know that for 25 years she had lived with a man so courageous and brave. Ratan Tata, in a subsequent function, broke down in full public view, and sobbed saying, “The company belongs to these people.”
Mr. Tata meant what he said, and his service to the injured and the families of the deceased prove just the same. All employees, including those who had completed just one day as casuals were treated on duty during the time the hotel was closed. Relief and assistance was extended to those who died at the CST railway station, and the surroundings, including pav-bhaji vendors and paan shop owners.

Mr. Ratan Tata himself visited all the families of the employees who were affected. These families were flown to Mumbai and taken care of in terms of ensuring mental assurance and peace, and were accommodated in Hotel President for 3 weeks. In a record time of 20 days, the Tatas created a new trust for the relief of employees.
There’s more to this one of its kind philanthropy. Even others like the railway employees, police, and pedestrians who had nothing to do with the Tatas were covered by compensation. A subsistence allowance of Rs. 10,000 per month was provided to each of them for 8 months. A 4 year old girl, the granddaughter of a vendor, got 4 bullets in her and only one was removed at the Government Hospital. She was admitted to Bombay Hospital and several lakhs were spent by the Tatas to fully recover her. Vendors who had lost their hand carts were provided with new hand carts. Tata has taken the responsibility of the life education of 46 children of the terror victims.
During the three days, senior managers including Ratan Tata visited every funeral. While the settlement amount for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36 to 65 lakhs, their families were provided with full last salary for life, education for children, waiver of all loans and advances, irrespective of the amount, full medical facility and a Counsellor for life.
A major part of the hotel was burnt down to ashes on 26th November. The hotel
was reopened on 21st December and all the employees were paraded in front of the guests. When asked by the HR function about his generosity, Ratan Tata simply said, “Do you think we are doing enough?” The organisation would spend several crores in rebuilding the property; why not spend equally on the employees who gave their life for it?
was reopened on 21st December and all the employees were paraded in front of the guests. When asked by the HR function about his generosity, Ratan Tata simply said, “Do you think we are doing enough?” The organisation would spend several crores in rebuilding the property; why not spend equally on the employees who gave their life for it?
It is people like Ratan Tata that restore our faith in humanity, in compassion. What is appalling is why his actions were even necessary in the first place. The city has always been praised for its ‘undying spirit’ and ‘never-say-die’ attitude. What people don’t realise is that the common man, who has to earn a living, has no other choice but to board the same local train that was blown up the day before. Why should the innocent suffer, while the devil involved in the attack enjoys chicken biryanis in his air conditioned cellar? Nevertheless, Ratan Tata’s munificience in the name of humanity will not go unnoticed. Cheers to the ‘businessman’, and his humanitarian view in the most trying time of his life!
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