As I write this piece in excruciating pain, I wonder if all Januarys are bound to be a bit too hard on me. The two stitches the doctor has sewn in my ankle are starting to hurt even more, and my mind’s filled with other tensions that make this pain seem so petty. It was very sudden, the way the whole world turned topsy turvy before my eyes, as Sangit lost control of his bike. The road wasn’t lit at all, so he couldn’t see the water on it, not while he was pointing at something that I don’t even remember. So it was pointless anyway! An innocent suggestion by a hungry Sangit led the three of us, Sagar, him and me, to Bharati Vidyapeeth, possibly the only place nearby with an eatery that doesn’t shut down by 9:30 PM. The frosty weather compelled me to sit behind Sangit on his Honda Unicorn, as I decided to go just for a round, after a long day of studies and assignments. We collected ...