How many of us wish we could go back in time to change that one decision we took, so that our life would have been different (read: better) from what it is now? Most of us have contemplated doing that, and there is no shame in admitting to it. Often we are faced with certain choices that may feel like they will make or break our life, but in the long run, most of these choices turn out to not be so significant. But at that point of time, we feel that whatever has happened to us has happened because of that one (usually) wrong turn we took. Now be it a career choice that we made in a hurry, the hurtful words we said to the people who loved us or even a literal wrong turn we took the other day that got us into an accident, we often end up with regrets that make us feel that a particular decision was wrong.

However, one fact cannot be ignored that it is not the decision but its outcome that makes us feel the decision itself was wrong. May be that college you selected was not so bad, you could have done well with whatever you had chosen for yourself and still made a good career. Being honest about your feelings is better than sugar coating them, and probably this taught you a lesson to also measure your words before uttering them, even when you are angry. The wrong turn you took and met with an accident can be a learning experience for you to be careful in the future.
Bad outcomes scare us, they make us doubt our decision making capability, and the skepticism stops us from getting something we really deserve in the future. But just because you had one nightmare does not mean that you should stop dreaming. Life is actually like riding a bicycle - you may fall a dozen times, hit your head with a branch and feel like you cannot go on, but ultimately you have to move ahead. The world will move on with or without you, so it is in your best interests that you keep up with it.
Once you take a decision, stick to it. Make the best with what you have. Years and years have gone in trying to make traveling into the past possible but if I have been doing my research right, there is no way we can alter our present by going back into the past. If anything, the regret that mounts up by overthinking about the past itself starts creating problems that would never have occurred had you just carried on. On a short term basis, whenever you feel like your life is going nowhere, just get through the day. It may seem like rallying but it is more of an acceptance. Change the things that can be changed, and accept the things that cannot. If that is not how we should live life, then I do not know a better way to.
So ultimately, I do not think there is a fool-proof way of taking the right decisions in life all the time. Do what feels right at that point of time, stick to it, and eventually get where you wanted to. This does not mean you justify every wrong choice you make, but at least in the end, the ultimate outcome might just end up making it apparent that the decision you took then was the best choice you could have ever made.
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