It is in human nature to regret, or should I say, contemplate alternative outcomes of a past event or decision and feel bad about the actual outcome. Normally I would elaborate with examples of what kind of regrets we usually have, but I daresay all of us are familiar with them already. What's the bet, while reading this you are probably thinking about that one big regret you have in your life. We all do. That is in our very nature. Is there a way that we do not end up with any regrets at all in life? Yes, there is. Did I get to this part too soon? I think so. Before I have any regrets for writing the shortest article on my profile, I will take you around the excruciating realm of regret - it will probably make you value that way all the more. First of all, what does "having no regrets" mean? Does it mean that you do everything so perfectly and take every decision so correctly that there is never an undesir...