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Showing posts from March, 2015

There's Still Hope, Introverts!

"Your son really needs to speak up!" "Why don't you join personality development classes?" "Marketing? For an introvert like you? You should take up finance." "You have a lot of great ideas, Tanuj. On paper they look superb. Just make sure you're vocal enough about them."      Didn't quite catch what I was getting at? Or may be you did. The above four verbatim comments are few of the many that have tried to deride my personality as an introvert, self-centered, a recluse, and even a laconic social outcast. Yes, that climax got a bit out of hand, but that just about covers everything that many "introverts" like me are subjected to at different points of life. This is no self-establishing, putting-my-foot-down article; just a fresh look at what the world of marketing needs in terms of personalities.      It isn't necessary that we fall into one particular personality category or type. We can be "d