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Showing posts from April, 2011


                        Yesterday I came a little early to college. The ground was smelling sweet, thanks to the untimely April rain that had drowned the city the previous night. That's when I laid eyes upon something that was both pleasing, yet inexplicably amusing to watch.                         The bitch (No pun intended here, I seriously mean 'female dog') who hung out at the Nescafe stall in college stepped out of the Indi-Prod building alongwith a bunch of puppies, barely over a week old. It was fun to watch the tiny tots circumambulate   their mother as if she was their entire world. They'd go where she'd go, turn where she'd turn, and sit where she'd sit, cozying up on her loving bosom.                         That's when I noticed the last puppy, possibly the youngest and definitely the cutest of them all. It stood out because it wasn't following her, or its siblings. It went where it wanted to go, barked at random spooky-looking tree